What inspires you? 

BC: I love making beautiful functional objects for the home and table. As William Morris of the British Arts and Crafts movement believed, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”.

Do you have a favorite ceramicist or artist? 

BC: Julia Galloway.  I have followed and admired her work for many years and have been fortunate to take some of her workshops.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had running your business? 

BC: I’m a one-person operation, so managing every aspect of the process from making the work to bookkeeping is the most difficult part.

What are some of the greatest joys you’ve experienced running your business? 

BC: My greatest joy is connecting with those who buy my work. Learning how they use it, who they gave a piece to, or what it means to them is incredibly rewarding.

What advice would you offer to someone just starting out in ceramics? 

BC: The advice I would offer to someone starting out is to keep learning.  Take workshops and explore the summer programs at places like Haystack and Penland. Apply to shows and markets.  Start small and expand as you gain success.  You’ll learn so much from these events. 

What do you love about doing pop-up events and markets? 

BC: Getting to meet people, talking with them about my work, and getting their feedback. I learn so much from them. I also like the fact that shop and gallery owners often visit pop-ups and markets and these outlets provide an easy and relaxed way for them to see the whole range of my work on display.

See more of Bestsey’s work or get in touch with her via her website or follow her on Instagram, here.

This month we had a chance to sit down with one of our favorite vendors and artists, the ever-lovely ceramicist Betsey Carter. Join us in obsessing over her use of shape and color, and getting to know her better.


Betsey Carter | She/Her

Betsey Carter Ceramics | Founded in 2000

How did you get started working with clay? 

BC: I majored in Art in college, and once I finished the foundation requirements I focused my studio work on ceramics and sculpture.

What’s your favorite part about working with clay?

BC: Definitely throwing pots on the wheel.  It's the best part!

Do you have any favorite items or objects to make? 

BC: I love throwing large bowls, it's so freeing. Plus they provide a large surface for carving or other alterations.

When did you start selling your ceramics? Do you do it full time? 

BC: Around 2000.  At the beginning it was a great complement to my career as a college librarian, and when I retired it became a full time endeavor.


